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Tombstone & Awards

Metea's artisanal skills encompass a whole universe of creations, ranging from tombstones to awards, plaques to display cases.


We create Tombstones that exceed all your expectations.

The Tombstone is an exclusive symbol tailor-made by Metea for a discerning clientele, a testament to the dedication of those who have contributed to the success of significant projects, partnerships, or business endeavors.

In the realm of high finance, it serves as a seal of success created to commemorate the conclusion of important financial transactions, celebrate acquisitions, mergers, or noteworthy corporate achievements.

Crafted from laminated Plexiglas, a Tombstone can encapsulate a variety of elements such as photographs, printed documents, silk screens, or even works of art, immortalizing precious moments in life that remain suspended within its crystalline structure.


We transform milestones into stunning symbols of pure allure and beauty.

• Awards

Awards can take on the most extravagant forms and serve the realms of art, culture, science, and business through a skillful combination of creativity and mastery in shaping Plexiglas.

• Trophies

Trophies celebrate the greatness of the most extraordinary achievements through unparalleled designs and scenic effects, leaving an indelible visual impression on every observer.

• Plaques

Metea plaques protect and preserve the quality of commendation messages engraved on their surface, ensuring durability and charm over time.

Display Case

Be amazed by the fusion of form and function.

Metea's Display Cases are crafted to ensure a perfect blend of aesthetic appeal and functionality, offering a range of essential advantages in terms of transparency, design, and durability. All of this designates them as the superior choice for displaying and safeguarding valuable objects in any setting.

All of these factors make them the best choice for showcasing and safeguarding valuable objects in any context.

Crafted from Plexiglas, the Display Cases can be shaped to frame every creative desire. The thickness, size, and basic structure are entirely customizable, making them suitable for both private and commercial use.

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